After a year in care, Hot Dog the Green sea turtle returns to his ocean home

In 2022 Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital treated 194 threatened species patients. 56% of these were returned to their carer or recorded as released into the wild. Among the patients we've treated and returned to care are Green sea turtles, classified as vulnerable in New South Wales.

We are delighted to share this inspirational video of the release of this beautiful Green sea turtle named Hot Dog who has now joined his fellow marine creatures back in the ocean where he belongs.

"Hotty" was in care for 365 days. Can you imagine, a full year to recover from life-threatening injuries? 😳 Thanks to the incredible collaboration between Dr Chantal Whitten and our partners Australian Seabird & Turtle Rescue, Hotty was released this week along with several other turtles.

It takes expert knowledge of the physiology and anatomy of native species, professional veterinary treatment, health monitoring and patient rehabilitation services by experienced, licensed and dedicated carers to save threatened species.

Our work contributes to more threatened species being on track to be secure in the wild, a priority of the NSW government's environmental portfolio.

In the words of Dr Chantal, "This is why a choose to be a wildlife veterinarian. It makes everything worthwhile."

All of our services for wildlife are provided free of charge. This financial year, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to help us save threatened species like Hot Dog. 🐢🌍🚑


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