Mother’s Day Love for this orphaned Pademelon

Senior Vet Nurse Louise Napoli giving an orphaned Pademelon joey some stand-in mother’s love.

Sometimes a mother’s love is found in unexpected places. Melon is an orphaned Pademelon joey, whose mother was killed after having been hit by a car. A caring and astute member of the public checked the mother’s pouch to find Melon alive. She was presented to Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital, where she received expert treatment and lots of TLC from Dr Bree and her veterinary team. She was taught to feed by her stand-in mama and Senior Vet Nurse Louise Napoli.

How you can help orphaned wildlife like Melon?

Always  #checkthepouch of an injured or deceased marsupial. It’s often the case that they are carrying juveniles, and with this simple step you can give a joey a second chance at life.

In partnership with @ifawaustralia and @mynrma, Byron Bay Wildlife Hospital’s wildlife car rescue kits come with practical tools to help an injured animal, veterinary-endorsed usage guidelines and a QR code to download a free App to locate your nearest wildlife rescuer or veterinary hospital. Get yours today through our online shop.

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